Leveraging State of the Art Trauma Video Review for Performance Improvement

Leveraging State of the Art Trauma Video Review for Performance Improvement

Leveraging State of the Art Trauma Video Review for Performance Improvement

Three sheets of paper overlapping with guide information
Three sheets of paper overlapping with guide information
Three sheets of paper overlapping with guide information

Trauma teams strive for continuous quality and process improvement but lack the necessary tools to gain comprehensive visibility into their resuscitations and objectively analyze performance.

The Trauma Black Box® empowers teams to reach new heights by providing: 

  • Real-time, high-definition audiovisual review for unobstructed observation of your team's communication and performance. 

  • A centralized trauma video library containing all recorded trauma resuscitations. 

  • Customizable annotation tools to systematically analyze video footage based on your center’s key performance indicators. 

  • A consolidated and accurate trauma response timeline to enable a comprehensive re-creation of events. 

  • Data-driven performance optimization insights to enhance trauma resuscitation processes. 

Download the guide to learn how the Trauma Black Box can set new standards of excellence at your facility.   

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