Media Coverage

OR Black Box® Offers Artificial Eyes and Ears to Improve Patient Care

Apr 6, 2022

Duke Surgery

OR Black Box in an operating room
OR Black Box in an operating room
OR Black Box in an operating room

The OR Black Box®, inspired by aviation's black box technology, has been implemented in Duke University Medical Center’s operating rooms to improve surgical quality and safety. This system records a wide range of data, including video, audio, and patient physiological metrics such as oxygenation and temperature. It automatically tracks key performance indicators like on-time starts and procedure durations, offering valuable insights into surgical efficiency and teamwork. The collected data is analyzed using artificial intelligence to flag incidents or variations in real-time, providing learning opportunities without placing blame on individuals.

This technology fosters a culture of continuous improvement by highlighting both areas for growth and moments of exceptional performance, ultimately aiming to enhance overall patient care and outcomes.


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