Development of a Model for Video-Assisted Postoperative Team Debriefing

Published on

Jan 1, 2021

Journal of Surgical Research

Anne S H M van Dalen, Maartje van Haperen, Jan A Swinkels, Teodor Grantcharov, Marlies P Schijven


This study explores the use of video-assisted debriefing to improve surgical team performance, addressing the lack of a robust debriefing culture in operating rooms. The researchers conducted a literature review and developed a structured six-step model for postoperative video-assisted team debriefing using a medical data recorder (MDR). They then tested this model in 35 multidisciplinary debriefing sessions.

The results showed that the proposed debriefing model was well-received by participants, with an average rating of 7.8 out of 10. The study concludes that this model, which utilizes MDR recordings, can effectively facilitate operating room debriefings across various settings, potentially improving surgical team performance and addressing the current gap in debriefing practices.


Debrief models and methods are extensively described in the current medical literature. An overview was provided. The OR team needs a structured debrief model, minimizing resource, effort, and motivational constraints. A structured six-step team debrief model suitable for video-assisted OR team debriefing was developed. The model was tested in 35 multidisciplinary MDR-assisted debriefing sessions and the debriefing sessions were overall rated with a mean of 7.8 (standard deviation 1.4, 10-point Likert scale) by participants.