Healthcare professionals' perception of safety culture and the OR Black Box

A cross-sectional survey
A cross-sectional survey

Published on

Dec 1, 2022

BMJ Open Quality

Jeanett Strandbygaard, Nynne Dose, Kjestine Emilie Moeller, Lauren Gordon, Eliane Shore, Susanne Rosthøj, Bent Ottesen, Teodor Grantcharov, Jette Led Sorensen


This study assessed perceptions of safety attitudes, impostor phenomenon, and privacy concerns among healthcare professionals in the operating room (OR) prior to implementing the OR Black Box®. The cross-sectional survey, conducted from July to December 2019, used three validated questionnaires and had a 69% completion rate among 145 healthcare professionals. Results showed significant variability in safety attitudes, with safety climate and teamwork scoring lowest, while job satisfaction ranked highest across all groups. Notably, 71% of respondents experienced moderate to frequent impostor phenomenon, particularly among residents.

The study also revealed that most healthcare professionals (87%) were unconcerned about digital information sharing, with residents being the most comfortable. These findings were compared to a parallel Canadian study, which showed similar results for impostor phenomenon but greater concern about data safety. The authors suggest that these differences might be attributed to varying medical litigation practices between Scandinavia and North America. Overall, the study highlights the diverse perceptions of safety culture among different healthcare professional groups and the importance of considering these factors when implementing new technologies like the OR Black Box in healthcare settings.


124 responded (86%): 100 completed the survey (69%) (38 nurses, 10 anaesthesiologists, 36 obstetricians/gynaecologists, 16 residents). Significant variability in all six SAQ domains, safety climate and teamwork being the lowest ranked and job satisfaction ranked highest for all groups. The SAQ varied in all domains in Canada. Moderate to frequent impostor phenomenon was experienced by 71% predominantly among residents (p=0.003). 72% in the Canadian study. Residents were most comfortable with digital information sharing (p<0.001), only 13% of all healthcare professionals were concerned/heavy concerned compared with 45% in Canada.