Implementation of the OR Black Box Research Program at the Ottawa Hospital

Through Patient, Clinical, and Organizational Engagement: Case Study
Through Patient, Clinical, and Organizational Engagement: Case Study

Published on

Mar 16, 2021

Journal of Medical Internet Research

Sylvain Boet, Cole Etherington, Sandy Lam, Maxime Lê, Laurie Proulx, Meghan Britton, Julie Kenna, Antoine Przybylak-Brouillard, Jeremy Grimshaw, Teodor Grantcharov, Sukhbir Singh


During the 12-month implementation period, we conducted 23 stakeholder engagement activities with over 200 participants. Researchers recruited 10 clinician champions representing nursing, anesthesia, and surgery. They formally interviewed 15 patients and 17 perioperative clinicians and identified key themes to include in an information campaign run as part of the implementation process. Two patient partners were engaged and advised on communications as well as grant and protocol development. Many anticipated and unanticipated challenges were encountered at all levels. Implementation was ultimately successful, with the OR Black Box installed in August 2018, and data collection beginning shortly thereafter.


This study describes the implementation of the OR Black Box® at a large academic Canadian center. The OR Black Box is an innovative system that captures synchronized audio, video, patient, and environmental data in real-time during surgeries, allowing for comprehensive assessments of clinical performance. The researchers aimed to develop evidence-based best practices for implementing such technology in operating rooms, addressing potential challenges at institutional, clinician, and patient levels.

The implementation approach was multifaceted and included gaining support from hospital leadership, building frontline support among various stakeholders, conducting qualitative interviews to understand perceptions, engaging patients, and documenting the process using the consolidated framework for implementation research.

Over a 12-month period, the team conducted 23 stakeholder engagement activities involving over 200 participants, recruited 10 clinician champions, and interviewed 15 patients and 17 perioperative clinicians. Despite encountering various challenges, the implementation was successful, with the OR Black Box installed in August 2018. This study represents an important step towards developing evidence-guided implementation strategies for direct observation technologies in surgical settings, emphasizing the need for careful planning and stakeholder engagement in introducing innovative technologies in healthcare.