Surgeons’ Leadership Style and Team Behavior in the Hybrid Operating Room

Prospective Cohort Study
Prospective Cohort Study

Published on

Jul 1, 2023

Annals of Surgery

Soenens, Gilles MD; Marchand, Benoit MSc; Doyen, Bart MD; Grantcharov, Teodor MD, PhD; Van Herzeele, Isabelle MD, PhD; Vlerick, Peter PhD


Twenty-two cases were analyzed, including 47 hours recording. Transformational leadership is positively related to the extent to which team members work together, share knowledge, and speak up. Passive leadership is significantly positively correlated with speaking up. Leadership style and team behavior clearly fluctuate during a procedure, with similar patterns across different types of endovascular procedures. 


This study examined the relationship between surgeons' leadership styles and team behavior in the hybrid operating room, using video coding to analyze leadership and team dynamics. The researchers found that transformational leadership, characterized by inspiring and motivating team members, was positively associated with increased speaking up, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among the surgical team. Conversely, passive leadership was linked to more speaking up, suggesting that disengaged leadership can still prompt team members to voice concerns.  

The study observed fluctuations in both leadership style and team behavior over the course of surgical procedures, highlighting the dynamic nature of these factors. The results suggest that cultivating surgeons' transformational leadership skills could enhance patient safety and team performance in high-risk surgical settings.